Potty Training

The process:

Start by observing your child’s body language when they eliminate and the times they usually go.

Then take the diaper off and put them in underwear. True learning happens when the child sees the elimination process. Diapers delay children’s learning.

Take them to the potty every two hours, after naps, after waking up in the morning, and before bed.

Let the mistakes happen and gently guide them to the toilet when they make a mistake, they will quickly catch on. 

If you see your child pooping take the diaper off and sit them in the potty its that easy. Even if they have already started, its ok. They will get used to it. Keep putting the child to the potty.

Please keep in mind it is very important there is No shaming, punishment, negativity, coercion, and no forcing. If you put them on the potty and they get fuzzy or just don't want to go try again later. If the child pees on the floor or in his/her clothes simply remind the child to use the potty. Use a firm voice but make sure you are not shaming them or making them feel bad.


Potty Facts:

In China and many other countries, parents report completion of potty training between the ages of 12-15 months.

Traditionally, Chinese babies and toddlers use very few diapers, not even cloth ones are something widely used. The reason is because cotton, water and soap are all scarce items.

In  many parts of India, China, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the arctic, and parts of Africa and Latin America, parents leave baby bottoms uncovered instead, they always wear open-crotch pants.

Did you know that prior to disposable diapers, 95 percent of children were potty trained by 18 months in the U.S!!

In recent studies, however, only about 50% of children completed toilet training by the age 3.

So for those that say that early potty training is harmful do more research because history shows that early potty training was the norm before disposable diapers came into existence and kids were perfectly fine. Yes of course the diaper industry does not want you to believe that so you can keep your kid in diapers until 3 to four years old and keep help their multi million dollar business thriving. It is unnatural and unsanitary to keep a child sitting in urine and feces. If you potty train early you will help your child be more independent, confident and self reliant along with helping our beloved mother earth. Happy Infant Potty training!

Toilet Insert we used

Potty We used:


Here are the diapers I use now- see my video on how I cloth diapered for $100.00